Giraffe predators cheetah
Giraffe predators cheetah

The Savannah grasslands provide a good home to the King and his family. Though it is referred to as the King of the Jungle, the lion is known to thrive well in the grassland where food is plenty and hunting is much easier. Larger mammals always make a game drive complete since they are easy to sport and always a thrill to watch. Most predators thrive in certain regions due to the availability of prey which we will look into in the next post. On this post, we will focus on the large mammals and the larger predators that are found in most game reserves. Depending on the season or climate, a national park can be busting with wildlife or might be almost empty with the animals having migrated through the wildlife corridor to a different region. It is always good to take the game drive with an open mind and a spirit of adventure. Some species of wildlife are found in almost all game reserves and parks but some are specific to certain regions. Each drive on different days produces different results as the animals are always on the move.

giraffe predators cheetah giraffe predators cheetah

There are a number of wild animals found in Kenya living in their natural habitat and most safari game drives include driving around in these areas in search of the animals. Most people are not sure which animals to expect though King of the Jungle, the Lion is one of the most popular. Everyone expects to see wild animals and in plenty. There is so much excitement that goes along with a safari game drive in any National Park or Game Reserve in Kenya.

Giraffe predators cheetah